Indicators of a Safety- First Culture in Your Workplace

A workplace that is focused on safety and health is not just a way to protect employees from injury and illnesses, it also increases productivity, boosts morale of employees and lowers operational costs. Simply put, setting a high priority on safety at work is good for business!

The Importance of Safety in the Workplace

The safety of your workplace is vital to ensure the safety of every employee in your business. Implementing specific safety protocols and training programs, like CPR/first aid training and operating heavy equipment and procedures for confined spaces will ensure a safe and effective workplace.

Indicators That Your Organization Values Safety

Running a business comes with a variety of obligations, with safety of workers being among the most crucial. What can you do to determine whether safety is a major issue for your company? Here are four indicators.

1. Comprehensive Workplace Safety Plan

An environment that is safe for workers requires the use of a written health and safety plan. The plan is an outline for dealing with the various safety concerns that could arise during working. It must be easily accessible and understood by every employee.

Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is also crucial. Mandated by certain OSHA requirements, this comprehensive document details the responsibilities of employees during emergencies, the training required as well as crucial contact details.

The fact that these plans are in the first place and in active implementation is a great first step however, continuous improvement is the key.

2. Implementation of Safety Signage

Safety signs are essential in educating workers about dangers and instructing workers to take preventive measures. The signs must be clear easy to comprehend and well put in a strategic location. A regular usage of safety signage is a sign of that you are committed to the welfare of your employees.

3. Formation of a Safety Committee

A committee for health and safety is a huge benefit to any business. The group, comprised of workers who are focused on protecting themselves from accidents at work and reducing risks is a crucial part of. Although they aren’t able to stop every accident, they can drastically reduce the number of injuries. They are responsible for arranging safety meetings and inspections, investigation of incidents including reports and emergency exercises and safety education.

Make sure your safety committee has well-organized, dedicated members who represent various sectors within your business, which includes employees as well as management.

4. Regular Safety Training and Education

Education and safety training are essential elements of an organization’s security culture. A well-planned training program can cut down on the number of injuries sustained by employees or compensation claims as well as property damages. Training for safety will benefit your business.

A lack of proper training leaves employees at risk of injuries, illnesses or even worse. To ensure that they are always prepared you should consider hiring a professional security consulting firm, and providing special training specifically tailored to tasks.

Be aware that safety training isn’t just a once-in-a-while activity. Refresher courses on a regular basis are essential to keep employees up-to-date with the most current safety practices as well as OSHA standards.

If you’re able to follow these rules will not only reduce accidents at work, but also help reduce costs, increase productivity and improve compliance.

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